Board of Pensions Changes


As long as we live, there will be change in the world and in our own lives. As long as we live, change in our lives will bring anxiety and fear. We cannot stop change from happening, but we can choose how we respond. 

By now many of you will have heard that the Board of Pensions is changing its dues structure for medical coverage after decades of one plan that has covered pastors and their families as a requirement for installed pastors serving over 20 hours per week. I have been part of that plan my entire career as a pastor, but the church and the health care system are changing. That means the way the Board offers medical coverage also needs to change. The need for change comes from outside the Board, not within it. The Board cannot change the rising cost of health care. That is an economic and political reality that the Board has no power to change. Church membership in the PCUSA is declining and many churches can no longer call full-time installed pastors and pay benefits. This affects women clergy disproportionately. Since 2007, of the clergy who were called to serve churches but did not receive medical coverage, 63% were women. The Board cannot change that reality, but they are trying to respond to help churches cover more pastors. Some churches may have to pay more to cover their pastor and families, but many small churches will finally be able to offer medical coverage to their pastors.

If you are interested in finding more information, go to the Board of Pensions website and read the information. If you still need more information, feel free to email or call me and I will put you in touch with our BOP regional representative, Clark Simmons. 

Please know that the presbytery understands that change is difficult and that financial changes in this climate make it more challenging. We are a connectional church and we are ready to help you address the concerns you have for the future of your pastoral leadership and the mission of your church.

In faith and hope,


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